Examples of Validations in Customer Spreadsheet Upload Data

During upload processing, the Upload Customers from Spreadsheet process checks for unique values in certain columns of the Customers and Contacts worksheets. If the values are unique, the record is created. If the values aren't unique, the record fails with an upload error.

The columns with this validation are:

  • Customers worksheet:

    • Customer Number

    • Account Number

    • Site Number

  • Contacts worksheet:

    • Person Number

The following sections provide examples of the validation process. The assumption in these examples is that all records have the same Source System value.

Customers Worksheet: Customer Number Validation

The Customer Number validation looks for a unique combination of values across the Customer Number, Customer Source Reference, and Customer Name columns.

The records in the following table fail the uniqueness validation on the customer number, because, for the same customer name, there are two different customer numbers and customer source references.

Customer Number

Customer Source Reference

Customer Name

VCORP 256113

VCORP 256113

Vision Corporation

VCORP 256114

VCORP 256114

Vision Corporation

The records in the following table also fail the uniqueness validation on the customer number, because, for the same combination of customer number and customer source reference, there are two different customer names.

Customer Number

Customer Source Reference

Customer Name

VCORP 256113

VCORP 256113

Vision Corporation

VCORP 256113

VCORP 256113

Vision ABC Corporation

The records in the following table also fail the uniqueness validation on the customer number, because, for the same customer number, there are two different customer source references.

Customer Number

Customer Source Reference

Customer Name

VCORP 256113

VCORP 256113

Vision Corporation

VCORP 256113

VCORP 256114

Vision Corporation

In like manner, the Account Number validation looks for a unique combination of values across the Account Number, Account Source Reference, and Account Description columns. The Site Number validation looks for a unique combination of values across the Site Number, Site Source Reference, and Site Name columns.

Contacts Worksheet: Person Number Validation

The Person Number validation looks for a unique combination of values across the Person Number, Person Source Reference, and First Name and Last Name columns.

The records in the following table fail the uniqueness validation on the person number, because, for the same combination of person number and person source reference, there are two different first name and last name combinations.

Person Number

Person Source Reference

First Name

Last Name









The records in the following table also fail the uniqueness validation on person number, because, for the same person number, there are two different person source references.

Person Number

Person Source Reference

First Name

Last Name









The records in the following table pass the uniqueness validation. The validation process allows a combination of two different person numbers and person source references with the same first name and last name combination. This is because two different people may have the same name.

Person Number

Person Source Reference

First Name

Last Name







