Why can't I print transactions or statements using email delivery?

Your email delivery setup is incomplete.

This is most likely due to one of two settings:

  • In Receivables system options, you must enter an active email address in either the From Email field or the Reply-to Email field of the Transaction or Statement Delivery Using Email section of the Billing and Revenue tabbed region for the applicable business unit.

  • At least one customer contact must have both a Bill-to responsibility or Statement responsibility assignment and an active email address.

  • For transactions:

    • If the transaction doesn't have a bill-to customer contact, or if that contact doesn't have an email address, then the email delivery process looks for all active customer contacts at the account or site level that have both a Bill-to responsibility and an email address.

    • If any exist, then the transaction is delivered to all of these contacts, with the exception of contact email addresses also assigned the Collections or Dunning responsibility.

    • If none exist, then the transaction isn't printed.