Category Details

You can see category details when you select the row with the category in the category hierarchy table of the Edit Catalog page. The category details are displayed in the side pane.

You can edit the details of native categories. The category detail region contains information about the category that's associated to the catalog. It also contains the association start and end dates.

You can view and edit a catalog on the category details tab when you have rights to manage catalogs.

The following parts of the Category Hierarchy tab provide are important capabilities for managing and editing category details:

  • Details subtab

  • Items subtab

  • Attachments subtab

Details Subtab

The details tab contains information about the category that has been associated to the catalog. This information appears in all catalogs, since a category can be associated to one or more catalogs. The details tab contains the category configuration, category date enablement, association date enablement, and the additional attributes for the category.

The details tab contains attributes that define a category. Unstructured information is added through attachments. Images are added to a category and are displayed in the category details tab.

Items Subtab

The Items subtab contains item assignments are local to the catalog that the category is associated with. You can add and delete item assignments.

Attachments Subtab

The Attachments tab contains the list of attachments that the category is associated with.