
Validate tax registration numbers as per France's validation rule. All businesses in France are assigned a 13 -digit global unique identifier called France FR VAT.

Ensure that the following details are correct for France FR VAT:

  • Country Code: FR

  • Validation Type: ORA_FR_VAT

  • Description: France FR VAT

  • Number of digits: 13

  • Format:

    French European VAT registration number as a structure of FRXX999999999

    Validate tax registration numbers as per France's validation rule. All businesses in France are assigned a 13 -digit global unique identifier calledFrance FR VAT.

    For France (as for all other EU countries) the number starts with 2 letters ISO country code (FR). This standard is shared by all EU countries including the United Kingdom (GB). Then there are two characters which is a validation key (a check digit using the Luhn algorithm). Then the 9 digits SIREN number. SIREN is a unique number identifying any registered Legal Entity in France.

  • Default Validation: ORA_FR_VAT



  • FR06335092318

  • FR43529003931


  • FB2H123456789 (Invalid country code)

  • 2H123456789 (Missing country code)

  • FR2H12345678 (Invalid format - too short)

  • FR2H1234567899 (Invalid format - too long)