About Joint Venture Rapid Implementation

You can create joint ventures and other related setup details using rapid implementation spreadsheets (RIS). Rapid implementation provides macro-enabled Microsoft Excel spreadsheets that enable you to upload the following setup data to Oracle Joint Venture Management:

  • System options

  • Invoicing partners

  • Joint venture definitions, which include:

    • Primary segment values and distributable segment values for identifying joint venture transactions

    • Stakeholders in the joint venture

    • Ownership definitions with each stakeholder’s percentage of ownership

    • Distributable project values to identify joint venture transactions related to specific capital projects

    Tip: After you create joint venture definitions using the RIS, Oracle recommends that you use the Visual Builder spreadsheet instead of RIS to update the joint venture definitions. For more information on Visual Builder spreadsheets for Joint Venture Management, see Manage Joint Venture Data in Microsoft Excel.
  • Joint venture overhead methods

Uploading data with rapid implementation spreadsheets increases efficiency, resulting in a faster implementation. It’s an alternative to adding invoicing partners and joint venture definitions to the system one at a time. In addition to the initial implementation, you can use rapid implementation spreadsheets to upload setup data for any new joint ventures that you enter into in the future.

After you add setup data to a RIS, you use the “Generate Zip” button within the spreadsheet to prepare the data for uploading into Joint Venture Management. The process creates a zip file that packages setup data in XML files. It also includes error handling to help ensure that all required fields and any data dependencies are met. Error messages help you quickly pinpoint where data is missing so you can correct issues before uploading. After fixing any errors, you upload the zip file to your target environment to generate the setup data.