Add Attachments

You can add attachments to provide supplementary information at the joint venture level. These can be supporting documents for joint operating agreements, such as signed contracts, emails, and statements of direction.

Attachments can be URLs, desktop files, text, and images. The security and privileges assigned to the logged-in user apply when processing attachments. For example, a joint venture accountant and joint venture application administrator can view, create, edit, and delete attachments while a joint venture accounting manager can only download and view attachments.

Attachments are stored in a content management repository provided by Oracle WebCenter Content (Universal Content Management) server. To avoid execution of files that can cause a security threat to the application, you can’t upload files with these extensions: *.exe, *.bat, *.aspx, *.jsp, and *.jspx. For information on Oracle WebCenter Content server, see the "Oracle Fusion Middleware: Using Oracle WebCenter Content" guide.

To add an attachment:

  1. Access the Basic properties page for your joint venture definition.

  2. In the Attachments area, drag the file that you want to attach from your local directory into the Drag and Drop field. Or click anywhere in this field, locate and upload the file.

  3. To attach a URL, complete the URL field and click Add URL.

When you add an attachment, the application adds the reference of the attached file in a table format and displays the count of the attached files next to “Attachments.” The reference for URL attachments includes the actual URL.

The attachment reference also includes the file size in bytes and the attachment category.

Note: In the current release, all attachments are automatically categorized as “MISC” for miscellaneous. You can’t change the category.

To view an attachment:

  1. Click the download button for the attachment you want to view.

  2. Open the attachment using a browser or program as needed.

To edit the reference information for an attachment:

  1. Click More Actions (the three dots) on the attachment record that you want to edit.

  2. Click Edit.

  3. On Attachment details, edit the values in the Display Name and Description fields as needed.

    In the current release, the Display Name field works differently for file and URL attachments.

    • For a file attachment, the display name is the file name and is included in the attachment reference.

      Caution: Make sure you append the file extension (for example, .jpeg) when you edit the display name. If you don’t, the file name won't include the extension when downloaded, and you will need to search for the relevant program to open the attachment.

    • For a URL, the display name is by default “Attachment Link” and this value is displayed only in the Attachment Details window. Any edit you make in this field is stored only in this window.

To remove an attachment:

  1. Click More Actions (the three dots) on the attachment record that you want to remove.

  2. Click Remove.

Note: The application doesn’t overwrite attachments with the same file name. Therefore, if you edit a file and want to retain only the edited version in the system, make sure to delete the current attachment and then attach the edited file.