Add Filter Sets and Filters to Your Project Set

Complete these steps:

  1. Click the name of the project set.
  2. Click Create Filter Set and give it a name and description.
    Note: Filter set names must be unique across all project sets.
  3. Click Create.
    The filter set doesn't appear until you add a filter to it as described in the next step.
  4. Click Add Filter and in the row that appears, select the filter set that you created.
  5. Select an attribute: Project number, Task number, Expenditure type, or Expenditure organization.
    Note: Only expenditure types set up with the "Miscellaneous Transaction" expenditure type class are supported. For more information, see Expenditure Categories and Types.”
  6. Select an operator and one or more values for the operator.
    • For Is, Is Not, or Starts With, enter a value in the Value 1 field.

      If you use the Starts With operator, you need to enter a minimum of three characters.

    • For Between, enter a value range in the Value 1 and Value 2 fields.
    • For Matches Any:
      1. Click the Value 1 field.
      2. On Match Any Values, enter each value in a separate row and click Submit.
      3. Click Save when complete.

        The Matches Any filter displays the number of values that you entered in the Value 1 field, for example “8 values”. You can click the text to add or remove additional values.

  7. Click Submit at the end of the row to add the filter.
  8. Add additional filters to the filter set or additional filter sets as necessary.
  9. To delete a filter set you added by mistake:
    1. Add a filter to the filter set and save it.
    2. After you save the row, click Delete.

      This deletes both the filter and the filter set.

  10. If you need to change the basic details of the project set, click Edit Project Set.
  11. When you finish adding filter sets and filters to your project set, click the Go Back arrow to return to the Project Sets page.