Create and Edit Lookups

To create a lookup:

  1. Navigate to Setup and Maintenance.

  2. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, click the Tasks icon on the right side of the page and search on "Manage standard lookups".
  3. On Manage Standard Lookups, search for the lookup type to which you want to add a lookup.

    The search results displays the lookup type and the Lookup Codes section displays the predefined lookups.

  4. In the Lookup Codes section, click New and in the new row, enter the values for the new lookup.

    A code should consist of 30 or fewer characters, upper-case for alphabetic characters, and no spaces. You can use an underscore between words instead of spaces. Do not begin the code with ORA as this is a value reserved by Oracle for system-provided lookup types and values.

  5. In the Meaning field, enter text that will appear as a value in the LOV.

  6. Optionally, describe the lookup in the Description field.

  7. Click Save and Close.

To edit a lookup:

  1. On Manage Standard Lookups, search for the lookup you want to edit. Enter any combination of type, meaning, and description values, and click Search.

  2. In the search results, click the row for the lookup you want to edit, then select the Edit Lookup action.

  3. On the Edit Lookup page, modify the meaning or description.

    Note: The lookup type and lookup code are presented as read-only values; you can't edit them.
  4. Click Save and Close.