Create Carried Interest Ownership Definitions

When you create a carried interest ownership definition for a stakeholder group, you must specify an ownership definition to use as the source for creating the carried interest ownership definition. The application uses this source ownership definition and the details in the stakeholder group to generate the carried interest ownership definition.

  1. In the Carried Interest Ownership Definitions section, click Create.
  2. In the Create Ownership Definition area, enter a name and description for the carried interest ownership definition.
  3. Select the source ownership definition to use as the basis for creating the carried interest ownership definition.
  4. Click the “Default Joint Venture Ownership Definition” check box to make this the default ownership definition.

    If there’s already a default ownership definition defined for the joint venture, you can’t use the check box to make this the default. Instead, you need to access the joint venture definition and change the default ownership definition to the carried interest ownership definition.

  5. Click Create.

    The application creates the carried interest ownership definition and adds it to the Carried Interest Ownership Definitions section.