Define Information for Joint Interest Billing Reports

As the managing partner of a joint venture, for each period or on an as-needed basis, you can print a joint interest billing report that provides details about financial transactions for the partners in a joint venture.

You use the Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher (BI Publisher) to build, print, and deliver the report to partners. To print a joint interest billing report for a joint venture, you need to specify a report template and output format in the joint venture definition. The template for the joint venture contains fields and sections to print distribution information pertaining to each stakeholder in a joint venture. If a stakeholder participates in multiple joint ventures, the stakeholder will receive a report for each joint venture.

If you prefer to deliver the report through email, you can specify the sender’s email address in the joint venture definition.

To specify this information in the joint venture definition:

  1. On the Billing and reporting information page for your joint venture definition, complete the following fields:

    • Joint Interest Billing Report Sender’s Email

      Enter the email address from which to send the report to stakeholders if using email as the delivery method.

    • Joint Interest Billing Report Template

      Enter the name of the report template that you want to use for printing the joint interest billing report for the joint venture. This report template must exist in the BI Publisher catalog for Joint Venture Management. The name of the predefined template for joint ventures is “Joint Interest Billing For Joint Venture.”

    • Joint Interest Billing Report Output Format

      Select the output format to print the joint interest billing report for the joint venture.

  2. Click Save or Continue as needed.