Export Joint Venture Setup Data

Export the joint venture setup data for importing into a target environment.

  1. Navigate to Setup and Maintenance and select the Financials offering.

  2. On the Joint Venture Management functional area row, click the drop-down list, Export, Create New.

  3. Click Yes in the prerequisite warning message.

  4. On Export Offering Setup Data, click the Show drop-down list and select All.

  5. In the Export column, click the check box, twice, next to Supporting Reference Detail.

  6. Click Yes in the exclude business objects warning message.

    This clears the associated Supporting Reference Detail as well. These business objects are not used.

  7. Click Submit and then click OK on the confirmation.

    You can review the status of the export displayed at the top of the page under the Setup menu.

  8. When the status changes to "Ready to Download," click the link to access the results page and download the zip file.