Filter Sets and Filters in a Project Set

In a project set, you create filter sets with one or more filters to identify project-related transactions.

Each filter contains criteria to identify one of these project attributes: project number, task number, expenditure type, or expenditure organization. A filter contains the following operators that you can use to identify one or more values for a project attribute:

  • Is
  • Between
  • Starts with
  • Is not
  • Matches any

Depending on your business needs, your project set might include only a single filter in a filter set, for example if you only need to identify transactions related to one or more projects. Or you might need a project set with multiple filter sets, for example if you need to identify transactions for different projects and the transactions for each project have an additional, unique project value, such as a different expenditure type.

The following topics provide examples of the different ways that you can set up project sets to identify transactions so that you can efficiently set up your project sets based on your business needs.

Note: The Project Sets application prevents you from adding duplicate filters to a filter set. But it doesn’t prevent you from entering the same filters in two different filter sets in a project set. It also doesn’t check for overlapping values, repeated values, and so forth between filter sets. Therefore, for more complex filtering scenarios, you're highly encouraged to map out your filter criteria ahead of time before you enter it in a project set.

A Filter Set with a Single Filter

Your project set can be as simple as this, with a single filter added to a filter set.

Filter Set Project Attribute Operator Value
FilterSet1 Project number Matches any HEPP1, HEPP2, HEPP6

The row with the values in this table represents a filter in a project set. When processed, this project set will identify all transactions associated with projects HEPP1, HEPP2, and HEPP6.

A Filter Set with Multiple Filters for Different Project Attributes

You can add multiple filters to a filter set if you need to identify transactions that have different project attribute values associated with them. For example, you might have transactions that include all 4 project attributes. In this case, you would enter 4 different filters to specify a value or values for each project attribute. Here’s an example of what the filters in this filter set might look like.

Filter Set Project Attribute Operator Value
ExplorationFilterSet Project number Matches any HEPP1, HEPP2, HEPP6
ExplorationFilterSet Task number Is Planning
ExplorationFilterSet Expenditure type Is Travel
ExplorationFilterSet Expenditure organization Is Upstream

Each row in this table represents a filter in the filter set ExplorationFilterSet. When processed, the project set will identify only transactions for projects HEPP1, HEPP2, and HEPP6 that include all three of these project attribute values: Planning, Travel, and Upstream.

A Filter Set with Filters for the Same Project Attribute

In a filter set, you can add more than one filter for the same project attribute, but only in the following scenario:

  • One filter for the project attribute uses a Between or Starts With operator.
  • Additional filters for the same project attribute use an Is Not operator to exclude specific values identified by the Between or Starts With operator.
Filter Set Project Attribute Operator Value
FilterSet1 Project number Starts With DRI
FilterSet1 Project number Is Not Drilling7
FilterSet1 Project number Is Not Drilling8

Each row in this table represents a filter in the filter set FilterSet1. When processed, the project set will identify transactions for all project numbers that begin with DRI, except for projects Drilling7 and Drilling8.

In the first filter in the preceding filter set, you could use the Between operator with a range of values in place of the Starts With operator.

Multiple Filter Sets in a Project Set

Use multiple filter sets when you need to identify different sets of project-related transactions for a joint venture. For example, you might need to identify transactions associated with a particular expenditure type for a project, and identify transactions associated with a different expenditure type for another project. Here’s an example of what a project set for this type of scenario would look like.

Filter Set Project Attribute Operator Value
FilterSet1 Project number Is HEPP10
FilterSet1 Expenditure type Is Meals
FilterSet2 Project number Is HEPP20
FilterSet2 Expenditure type Is Lodging

In this table, the first two rows represent filters for filter set FilterSet1; the last two rows represent filters for filter set FilterSet2. When processed, this project set will identify transactions for project HEPP10 that include expenditure type Meals. It will also identify transactions for project HEPP20 that include expenditure type Lodging.