Overview of the Joint Venture Subledger Setup

Set up the Joint Venture subledger in subledger accounting to enable the following activities:

  • Creation of internal transfer journals for stakeholder distributions.

    This setup enables the creation of journal entries in the Joint Venture subledger for stakeholders set up with the "Create journals" option in the joint venture definition.

  • Creation of statistical journal entries for operational measures which can be used as the basis for determining allocations for a joint venture.
  • Creation of carried interest journals to track the costs and revenue the consenting stakeholders are carrying for nonconsenting stakeholders in a carried interest agreement.
    Note: This setup pertains only to internal stakeholders that are the consenting stakeholders in a carried interest agreement. Its primary purpose is to track the costs and revenue that a joint venture operator is carrying for nonconsenting stakeholders, but you can also perform the setup for an internal stakeholder that is a nonoperator.

If you aren’t using Oracle Joint Venture Management for these purposes, then you don’t need to set up the Joint Venture subledger.