Specify a Minimum Amount for Joint Venture Receivables Invoices

You can specify a minimum distribution amount required to create receivables invoices for each stakeholder’s share of the joint venture costs.

For example, if you specify $500 as the minimum amount, Joint Venture Management will create an invoice for a stakeholder only when the total unbilled costs for the stakeholder reach $500.

You can enter a negative value for the minimum amount if you need to create receivables invoices where the total of the distributions for a stakeholder results in a negative invoice amount.

Access the Billing and reporting information page for your joint venture definition and specify a minimum amount in the Minimum Receivables Invoice Amount field. The currency applied is the currency of the primary ledger that’s associated with the business unit on the joint venture definition. If you leave this field blank, it’s treated as a zero minimum amount, which means that when the total of the distributions results in a negative invoice amount, an invoice won’t be created.