View Audit History

You can use audit history to view changes to the application data, such as the business objects that were created, updated, and deleted.

You must have a role with the assigned privilege View Audit History (FND_VIEW_AUDIT_HISTORY_PRIV) to view the history or to create a report. For appropriate assignment of roles and privileges, check with your security administrator.

Follow these steps to create a detailed report of the changes to joint venture business objects. You can export the report summary to Microsoft Excel.

  1. Navigate to Tools, Audit Reports.
  2. On Audit Reports, complete these fields:
    • Date. Specify a date or date range for the audit report.

    • Product. Select Joint Venture Management

    • Event Type. Select the All check box.

  3. Select the joint venture business object or objects for which you want to view the audit history.
    The list displays only the business objects that have been enabled for auditing.
  4. Click Search.
  5. Select all of the check boxes under the Search Results section.
    The search results display all matching records for the given search criteria.