Cancel a Partner Contribution That Was Associated with a Manual Invoice

Perform the following tasks to cancel a partner contribution that's associated with a manual receivables invoice in the Partner Contributions work area:

Note: Make sure that you create a credit memo in Receivables for the partner contribution invoice before you perform this task. You need to enter the credit memo details to cancel the partner contribution.
  1. In the Partner Contributions work area, click the stakeholder with the partner contribution that you want to cancel.
  2. On Edit Partner Contribution, from the Actions menu, select Cancel Contribution.
  3. On Cancel Partner Contribution, complete the following fields:
    • Transaction Number. Enter the transaction number for the credit memo that you manually created to reverse the partner contribution invoice.
    • Transaction Date. Enter the transaction date on the credit memo. By default, the system date is used as the transaction date.
    • Transaction Reason. Enter a reason for canceling the partner contribution.
    • Cancel Date. Enter the date that you want to use as the cancellation date. By default, the system date is used as the cancel date.
  4. Click Submit.


On successful cancellation, the partner contribution status changes to Canceled, and a record for the credit memo reference appears in the Transactions tab with a transaction status of Process Complete.