Create Reversed and Reassignment Distributions

Run the adjustments process to create reversed and reassignment distributions for distributions that are manually marked for reversal. Distributions manually marked for reversal have a status of “Ready to Reverse.”

The process updates the distributions in the Joint Venture Distributions work area as described here:

  • Changes the distribution line type of the distribution marked for reversal to Canceled.
  • Creates a reversed distribution for each canceled distribution.

    Reversed distributions include the reason for the reversal.

  • Creates a new distribution to reassign a different stakeholder. This is the reassignment distribution.

You can use the Joint Venture Distributions work area to review and update the reversed distributions before you process them to create credit memos. For example, you can change the distribution status to “On hold” to hold off creating the credit memo or debit memo for a reversed distribution. For more information about the updates that you can make, see Manage Reversed, Redistributed, and Reassigned Distributions.

Perform these steps to create reversed and reassignment distributions:

  1. Open Scheduled Processes and access the Process Joint Venture Adjustments job.

  2. For the Processing Mode, select Create Joint Venture Distribution Reversals.

  3. For the Reversal Source, select "Distributions identified as ready to reverse."

  4. In the Basic Options section, specify values in the following fields as required:

    • Joint Venture. Select a particular joint venture or leave it blank to run the process over all your joint ventures. The process selects only those joint ventures at an Active status.

    • Stakeholder. Select a particular stakeholder for the joint venture that you selected or leave it blank to run the process for all the stakeholders in the joint venture.

  5. Click Submit.