Define Partner Contribution Requests

You use the Partner Contribution Requests work area to define requests for partner contributions.

You can set up a request in one of the two ways:

  • Base the request on a specific gross amount to fund a specific joint venture expenditure

    If you specify a gross amount, you need to specify an ownership definition to split the amount to create a partner contribution for each stakeholder. Or you can specify a stakeholder to create a partner contribution of the entire amount for the stakeholder.

    Note: If you specify an ownership definition, the request start and end date range is used to identify which ownership definition to use to split the amount. Remember that you can set up multiple ownership definitions with the same name and consecutive date ranges, which enables you to change stakeholders and their percentages over time if needed.
  • Base the request on open amounts in stakeholder cost distributions

    To cover the open distribution amounts for each stakeholder, you can set up the request to create partner contributions based on the open distribution amounts in the Joint Venture Distributions work area. You don’t need to specify an ownership definition or a direct billed stakeholder if you choose this option.

You include additional details in the request, such as the frequency of creating partner contributions, the joint venture partner contribution account, and so on.

For examples on how to create these two types of requests, see:

You can define each partner contribution request directly in the Partner Contribution Requests work area, or you can define multiple requests in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, and then upload them all at once from the spreadsheet to this work area.