Download and Edit Joint Venture Data in the Corresponding Spreadsheets

The downloaded spreadsheets include all the columns that are available in the corresponding work areas. For fields in the work areas that contain a list of values, the list of values are also available in the spreadsheets.

Tip: If you don’t see the complete list of values for a particular field in the spreadsheet, you might have to clear the cache in the spreadsheet. To do so, click the Oracle Visual Builder menu and select Advanced, Clear List of Values Cache.

In the spreadsheets for working with transactions and distributions, you can edit only the fields and perform only the actions that are supported in the respective work areas for a particular record.

In the spreadsheets for working with transactions and distributions, you can:
  • Override or change only the values that you are allowed to change in the user interface.

  • Remove transactions or delete distributions.

In the spreadsheets for working with partner contribution requests, operational types, measures, and states, in addition to editing allowed fields, you can use them to add new records.

The spreadsheets include three additional columns, two in the beginning (Change and Status) and one at the end (Key). The Change and Status columns indicate whether a row was changed, created, and whether the action on the row was successful.

The following steps illustrate how to download data to a spreadsheet using operational states as an example:

  1. On the home page, click Operational States.

  2. On Operational States, click Manage in Excel.

  3. On the operational states spreadsheet template, select the Operational States worksheet.

  4. Click the Oracle Visual Builder menu and click Download Data.

    If you are not logged in to an environment, you will be prompted to sign in to the environment that this spreadsheet was downloaded from.

  5. In the Search page that appears, enter your selection criteria and click OK. If the number of records selected for download is more than 499, a message appears asking whether you want to download all the records or only 499

    The system downloads the records into the worksheet based on your selection.

  6. Click Clear if you need to clear the data in the worksheet. You can then download data using different selection criteria if needed.

  7. Update the fields in the spreadsheet as needed. "Update" is displayed in the Change column of any updated rows.

  8. To add a new operational states record:
    1. Click a row in the spreadsheet.

    2. Click Table Row Changes and select Insert Rows.

    3. Complete the columns in the new row as necessary.

    "Create" is displayed in the Change column of newly added rows.

  9. If you need to delete a row in the spreadsheet:
    1. Click a row.

    2. Click Table Row Changes and select Mark for Delete.

    "Delete" is displayed in the Change column for the rows to be deleted.