Manage Joint Venture Transactions and Distributions

Oracle Joint Venture Management processes enable the automatic identification and distribution of joint venture transactions. You can use the following work areas to view identified transactions and their associated distributions:

  • Joint Venture Transactions work area

    This work area displays transactions identified by the Identify Joint Venture Transactions process. It doesn’t contain the actual transactions, but references transactions from these sources: subledger accounting, general ledger, and Joint Venture Source Transactions work area. If you remove transactions from the Joint Venture Transactions work area, the transactions will remain in the transaction source.

  • Joint Venture Distributions work area

    This work area displays distributions generated by the Create Joint Venture Distributions process.

In addition to reviewing transaction and distribution details, you can use these work areas to adjust the processing of transactions and distributions as needed, on an exception basis. You can perform these actions:

  • Override how transactions are processed.

    Before running the Create Joint Venture Distributions process, you can override transactions with a different ownership definition that contains a different breakdown of ownership percentages. You can override a transaction with a direct billed stakeholder to distribute the entire transaction amount to a single stakeholder.

  • Clear assignment rules applied to transactions.

    In the Joint Venture Transactions work area, you can clear ownership definition assignment rules that were incorrectly applied to transactions. This enables you to correct the assignment rules and the run the process to apply assignment rules to the transactions again. See Clear Assignment Rules for more information.

  • Resolve disputes over distributed amounts.

    Transaction and distribution records provide important details such as the original transaction amount, distribution amounts, transaction account information, the ownership definition used to apply the split, and so on. You can use this information to verify that transactions were distributed correctly or to determine how to take corrective actions.

  • Troubleshoot other issues, such as transactions falsely identified for processing.

    Transactions in the Joint Venture Transactions work area include information about the account in which they originate. You can use this information to correct the joint venture definition and help ensure that the correct transactions are identified and distributed. For more information about possible scenarios in which you would need to reprocess transactions, see Correcting Issues with Joint Venture Transactions and Distributions.