Manage Partner Contributions

In the Partner Contributions work area, you can review existing partner contributions, as well as add, edit, cancel, transfer, or close partner contributions.

Or you can use an Excel spreadsheet to add, update, cancel, close, transfer, and delete partner contributions. Download the spreadsheet from the Partner Contributions work area and follow the instructions in the spreadsheet to update as needed and upload your changes back to the work area.

In the Partner Contributions work area, use the Search to find a particular partner contribution. The work area displays details about each partner contribution, including the original invoice or journal entry amount and the remaining open amount. It also includes the references of the transaction that you create when you cancel, transfer, or close a partner contribution.

Click the stakeholder name in the partner contribution row to open it in the Edit Partner Contribution page. The information you can modify depends on its status and how they were created and invoiced. Here are the actions you can perform:

Partner Contribution Status Action
Pending The initial status when you manually create a partner contribution. After saving a partner contribution in this status, you can still modify the description, joint venture, start date, stakeholder, partner contribution account, and contribution amount. This status isn't applicable for partner contributions that are created using the partner contribution processes.

This is the status after you associate a manual invoice to a partner contribution in the Partner Contributions work area.

In this status, you can modify the partner contribution description and account. You can also modify the transaction number and date of the invoice reference.

Journal Created

This is the status after you associate a manual journal entry to a partner contribution in the Partner Contributions work area.

In this status, you can modify the partner contribution description and account. You can also modify the transaction number and date of the journal entry reference.

Ready to Invoice The initial status assigned to a partner contribution that was created using the partner contribution processes. If you created a partner contribution manually, you can change its status to Ready to Invoice to make it available for processing by the Create Partner Contribution Invoices process. In this status, you can modify the partner contribution description.
Ready to Cancel

The initial status assigned to a partner contribution after you enter the details to initiate the cancellation of the partner contribution that was created using the partner contribution processes. This status isn't applicable for partner contributions that were created manually.

In this status, you can modify the partner contribution description. You can also modify the following references for the credit memo that will be created to cancel the partner contribution: transaction date, reason for creating the credit memo transaction, and the cancellation date.

Ready to Close

This is the status assigned to a partner contribution after you enter the details to initiate its closure.

In this status, you can modify the partner contribution description. You can also modify the following references for the transaction that will be created to close the partner contribution: transaction date, the reason for creating the transaction, and the close date.

Ready to Transfer

This is the status assigned to a partner contribution after you enter the details to initiate the transfer of its open amount through a journal entry. If the transfer is to a new partner contribution, this status is also assigned to the new partner contribution.

In this status, you can’t modify any details on the partner contributions.

Credit Memo in Progress

This is the status assigned to a partner contribution after you run the Process Partner Contribution Transactions process to cancel the partner contribution through a credit memo. This status indicates that the partner contribution invoice information has been sent to the Receivables interface table in preparation for the creation of the credit memo.

In this status, you can only modify the partner contribution description.

Accounting in Progress

This is the status assigned to a partner contribution after you run the Process Partner Contribution Transactions process to close or transfer the partner contribution through a journal entry. This status indicates that the journal entry is created and accounting of the journal entry is in progress.

In this status, you can only modify the description of a partner contribution that's being closed. However, you can't modify any details of a partner contribution that's being transferred.

Available to Draw This status enables the partner contribution to be drawn from. In this status, you can only modify the partner contribution description.
On Hold Use this status to place a partner contribution on hold.

This is the status of a partner contribution that has been closed.


This is the status of a partner contribution that has been canceled.

Transferred This is the status of a partner contribution that has been transferred.
Error This is the status assigned to a partner contribution when the processing of the partner contribution transaction ends in error. In this status, you can modify the partner contribution description and account.

Partner Contribution Transaction Status

Each transaction in a partner contribution has a status, depending on the stage of processing it’s at. The following table describes the status a partner contribution transaction can have:

Transaction Status Description
Process Complete This indicates that the processing of the transaction is complete. For example, the receivables invoice has been created to open the partner contribution, the credit memo has been created to cancel the partner contribution invoice, and so on.
Error This indicates that the transaction is in error and must be corrected before processing.
Ready to Cancel This indicates that the partner contribution cancellation has been initiated and a credit memo is being created to cancel the partner contribution invoice.
Ready to Close This indicates that the partner contribution closure has been initiated and a payables invoice or a journal entry is being created to close the partner contribution.
Ready to Transfer This indicates that the partner contribution transfer has been initiated and a journal entry is being created to transfer the open amount.This transaction status in the receiving partner contribution indicates that it’s due to receive an open amount transfer.