Perform a Mass Reversal of Distributions

Perform a mass reversal of distributions generated from transactions that were processed incorrectly due to a setup issue in the joint venture definition.

In the adjustments process, you enter filter criteria to identify transactions whose distributions you want to reverse. You must specify a specific joint venture and a date range. The process compares the date range against the accounting date in transactions to determine which transactions to process, and then reverses their associated distributions accordingly.

You can include additional filter criteria to further refine the transactions by a particular account. If your setup includes an integration with Oracle Project Costing, you can enter project details to identify transactions associated with a project.

The adjustments process performs these actions on distributions associated with the identified transactions:

  • Cancels the original distribution.
  • For each canceled distribution, it creates a new distribution with a distribution line type set to Reversed.

You can configure the process to reset the status of the transactions to Available to Process or Reversed after completing the reversals. Set the status to Available to Process if you need to correct the setup issue in the joint venture definition and process the transactions again. Set the status to Reversed if you are reversing distributions for transactions that shouldn’t have been processed. This status prevents the transactions from being distributed again.

Perform these steps to perform a mass reversal of distributions:

  1. Open Scheduled Processes and access the Process Joint Venture Adjustments job.
  2. Select Create Joint Venture Distribution Reversals for the processing mode.
  3. Select “Distributions for selected transactions” for the reversal source.
  4. In the Joint Venture drop-down list, select the joint venture with transactions whose distributions you want to reverse.

  5. In the From Date and To Date, enter a date range for the transactions whose distribution you want to reverse.

    The process will identify all transactions with a transaction date that’s within the specified date range.

  6. You can use the following fields to further refine the list of transactions:
    • Account. You can identify transactions for a particular account.
    • Project Number, Task Number, Expenditure Type. (Project Costing integration only) Use these fields to identify transactions associated with a particular project. If you select a task number, you must select a project number first because task numbers are specific to a project number.
  7. In the Transaction Status After Reversal drop-down list, select the status that you want set for the transactions after reversing their distributions:
    • Available to Process. Use this status if you need to process the transactions again. This enables you to correct the issue in the setup of the ownership definition, stakeholder, or invoicing partner and distribute the transactions again.
    • Reversed. Use this status when you distributed the wrong transactions. The Reversed status prevents the transactions from being distributed again.
    Note: If you determine later that the transaction can be distributed again, you can change the status from Reversed to Available to Process.
  8. Use the following fields to include a reason for the reversal in the transactions and distributions:
    • Transaction Reversal Reason
    • Distribution Reversal Reason
  9. Click Submit.
  10. When the process completes, open the associated text file to view the number of selected transactions and the number of distributions that were selected, processed for reversal, or skipped.
  11. You can access the Joint Venture Distributions work area to review the original distributions and their associated reversed distributions.

    The original distributions are updated with Canceled as the distribution line type. A new reversed distribution is created with Reversed as the distribution line type.

    For reversed cost distributions, the amount that was originally in the Debit column is now in the Credit column. For reversed revenue distributions, the amount that was originally in the Credit column is now in the Debit column.