Create Partner Contributions from Partner Contribution Requests

Run the process to generate partner contributions from partner contribution requests, which performs these actions:

  • Uses the details in partner contribution requests to create partner contributions

  • Displays the contributions in the Partner Contributions work area with a “Ready to invoice” status

  • Displays the partner contribution amount in the Entered Contribution Amount field if the partner contribution amount was created in a currency that’s different than the primary ledger currency of the joint venture

    The Entered Contribution Amount field is an interim field that holds the contribution amount until you invoice the partner contribution. This interim field enables users to find the complete information in the Partner Contributions work area when queried before creating partner contribution invoices.

  • For requests based on open distribution amounts, adds the partner contribution request name to the applicable distributions in the Joint Venture Distributions work area

    If the process fails to create partner contributions for some stakeholders, the specifics of the error are included in the log.

Important: After creating partner contributions, you must invoice the stakeholders for their partner contributions. You can either run a scheduled process to generate partner contribution invoices or manually associate a receivables invoice or a journal entry to each partner contribution. See Create Partner Contribution Invoices Through a Scheduled Process and Manually Associate a Receivables Invoice or Journal Entry to a Partner Contribution.

To run the process to generate partner contributions from partner contribution requests:

  1. From the Home page, select Joint Venture Management and then select Process Joint Venture Partner Contributions from the Quick Actions list.

  2. To set up a schedule for running the process, perform the following steps:

    1. Click Advanced.

    2. On Advanced Options, click the Schedule tab and complete the following:

      • Run. Select Using a Schedule.

      • Frequency. Select a frequency that coordinates with the frequency defined in the partner contribution request. However, if you're processing multiple partner contribution requests and the requests are not defined with the same frequency, select the frequency with the least number of days. For example, select Weekly if some requests are defined as monthly and others are defined as weekly. Select Daily if at least one request is defined as Daily and the others are defined as Weekly or Monthly.

      • Start Date and End Date. Enter the date and time when you want the process to start and stop running.

  3. Click the Parameters tab to enter values to use in processing.

  4. For the Processing Mode, select Process Partner Contribution Requests.

  5. Complete these fields as needed:

    • Joint Venture. Select a joint venture to run this process for all the partner contribution requests associated with this joint venture. Leave this field blank to run the process over all your joint ventures.

    • Partner Contribution Request. Select a partner contribution request to run the process only for this request. Leave this field blank to run the process over all your partner contribution requests.

    • Run Day. Enter the date when you run the process. Leave this field blank to use the current date.

      Tip: You can enter a past date as the run day to catch up on missed days that would otherwise not be considered for creating partner contributions. For example, if you create a request two days after the request start date and the request frequency is daily, you can backdate the run day to create retroactive partner contributions for the two missed days. If you do this, you don’t need to create a separate request to create partner contributions for the missed days.
    • Contribution Description. Enter a description for the partner contributions that will be created in the current run. If you leave this field blank, the process will assign a default description with the joint venture name appended to AUTOMATIC PARTNER CONTRIBUTIONS.

  6. Click Submit.

  7. When the process completes, click OK in the confirmation window.

  8. Click the log file in the Log and Output section to view the details about the partner contributions that are created.