Review Canceled Partner Contributions

In the Partner Contributions work area, enter Canceled in the search to find all canceled partner contributions. You can also sort on the Status column to see a list of partner contributions with the Canceled status.

To review the details of a canceled partner contribution, click the link in the Stakeholder column to access the Edit Partner Contribution page. This page includes the following details that indicate the partner contribution was canceled:

Field Description

The partner contribution is in Canceled status.

Open Amount

The open amount is zero.

Transaction Type

In the Transactions tab, this field is populated with “A transaction was used to cancel the partner contribution.”

Transaction Number

This is the transaction number of the credit memo that was used to cancel the partner contribution. If the credit memo was created using the scheduled processes, you can click the transaction number link to view the details of the credit memo in Receivables.

Transaction Status The transaction status is Process Complete, indicating that the invoice or journal entry has been created.

To review additional details of the canceled partner contribution transaction, select the row for the cancel reference under the Transactions tab and click Edit. This opens up the View Partner Contribution Transaction page for the cancel transaction.