Review Operational Measure Details

In the Joint Venture Operational Measure work area, use the search to access the operational measures that you want to review.

You can search for operational measures by joint venture, measure type, and so forth. You can sort on the columns, such as the Measure Date column to see the latest recorded measures. By default, the system sorts on the following columns in this order: Measure Type, Measure Date, and Joint Venture.

The work area displays the details entered for each operational measure. Click the link in the Measure Type column to access additional details of the operational measure, which include:
Field Description
Joint Venture Description A description of the joint venture for which the operational measure was taken.
Line Number

The line number associated with the operational measure. Valid values include:

1 – The number for an original operational measure.

2 – The number for a reversal record created with the reversed value.

3 – The number for a new operational measure added to correct the original operational measure that was reversed.

Primary Segment Value and Description If the operational measure is associated to particular primary segment value, you can view the name and description associated with the primary segment value.
Value Type The value type of the operational measure, which is referenced from the measure type. The value type is either a number or percent.