Run the Process to Create Partner Contribution Invoices

Perform the following steps to run this process: Process Joint Venture Partner Contributions - Create Partner Contribution Invoices.

  1. From the Home page, select Joint Venture Management, and then select Process Joint Venture Partner Contributions from the Quick Actions list.

  2. For the Processing Mode, select Partner Contribution Invoices.

  3. Complete the following fields as needed:

    • Business Unit. To process partner contributions for joint ventures associated with a particular business unit, enter the business unit here.

      If you've multiple joint ventures managed under different business units, you can leave this blank to process partner contributions for all your joint ventures.

    • Joint Venture. Select a joint venture, or you can leave this field blank to run this process over all joint ventures. The process selects only those joint ventures in Active status.

    • Stakeholder. Select a stakeholder if you want to run this process for a particular stakeholder.

    • Invoice Date. Enter a date to assign as the invoice date to partner contribution invoices. If you leave this field blank, the system date is used.

    • Accounting Date. Enter a date to assign as the general ledger date in Oracle Receivables for partner contribution invoices. If you leave this field blank, the last day of the current open period will be used.

    • Conversion Date. Choose invoice date or system date to select the currency conversion rate to use when creating invoices in a currency that’s different from the primary ledger currency. If you leave this field blank, the system date is used as the default.

  4. Click Submit.

  5. When the process completes, click OK in the confirmation.

  6. Click the log file in the Log and Output section to view the details about the partner contribution invoices that are created.