Update Reversed, Redistributed, and Reassigned Distributions

Perform these steps to update reversed, redistributed, and reassigned distributions:

  1. In the Joint Venture Distributions work area, search for and select the distributions you want to update:
    • Select one or more rows manually.

    • Or click the Select All check box above the first row if you want to update all distributions based on your filter criteria.

      Note: When you use Select All, you are selecting all distributions based on the filter criteria, not just the distributions displayed in the grid.
  2. Click the Edit Joint Venture Distributions button.
    The Edit Joint Venture Distributions dialog box displays the number of selected distributions that can be updated. This count does not include distributions that have the status “Process complete,” “Invoicing in progress,” "Accounting in progress," or “Credit memo in progress” even if you have selected them.
  3. In the window that displays, enter values to update the distribution and click Update.