AutoInvoice Validations on Imported Data

AutoInvoice validates data imported using the AutoInvoice file-based data import spreadsheet for compatibility with Receivables. The validation process ensures that the columns in the AutoInvoice Interface tables reference the appropriate values and columns in Receivables.

Review these aspects of the AutoInvoice validation process:

  • Standard Validations

  • Transaction Source Settings

  • Credit Memos Against Paid Invoices

Standard Validations

AutoInvoice performs these standard validations on all data:

  • Setup Values Defined: Ensures that the values pertaining to your setup are already defined in Receivables or in other related applications.

  • Transaction Numbering: Manages transaction numbering according to the transaction source and ensures that the document number, if supplied, is unique within the associated document sequence type.

  • Currency Precision: Ensures that the amount and the accounted amount have the correct precision for a given currency, as defined in General Ledger. The precision is the number of digits after the decimal point normally used in transactions for the given currency.

  • Cross Validation: Ensures that certain column values agree with each other. These values can be within an interface table or between multiple interface tables.

Transaction Source Settings

You can only use transaction sources of type Imported with the Import AutoInvoice process. The settings in the AutoInvoice Options and Import Information sections of the Imported transaction source determine how AutoInvoice validates imported transaction lines.

Credit Memos Against Paid Invoices

AutoInvoice validates credit memos by reviewing the setting of the Receipt Handling for Credits option on the transaction source.

If the Receipt Handling for Credits option is enabled, then AutoInvoice automatically reviews each credit memo and associated invoice to determine its eligibility for receipt handling.

If the Receipt Handling for Credits option isn't enabled, then AutoInvoice evaluates credit memos using standard invoice validation:

  • If the transaction type assigned to the invoice allows natural application only, then AutoInvoice rejects the credit memo. You must unapply the receipt from the credited invoice and rerun AutoInvoice to successfully import the credit memo.

  • If the transaction type assigned to the invoice allows overapplication, then AutoInvoice imports the credit memo and the invoice is overapplied until you unapply the receipt from the credited invoice.