Cash to General Ledger Reconciliation Report

This topic provides information about the Cash to General Ledger Reconciliation Report.


The Cash to General Ledger Reconciliation Report compares the GL cash account balance against the bank account balance. It displays the unreconciled GL cash account journal entries and unreconciled bank statement lines that help identify the discrepancies between the balances. This is done based on the specified range of periods.

The body of the Cash to General Ledger Reconciliation Report.

Key Insights

The Cash to General Ledger Reconciliation Report lists the subledger transactions that are accounted in GL but they are not reconciled in Cash Management.

Consider assigning a unique GL cash account for each bank account and using it to record all cash transactions to facilitate this book to bank reconciliation.

Report Parameters

The following table describes required process parameters:



Bank Account

The specific bank account used to receive payments and disburse funds.

From Accounting Period

The first fiscal period a company uses to report financial results, such as a calendar month or fiscal period. A portion of time in which the accounting calendar may be divided. Accounting periods make up an accounting calendar.

To Accounting Period

The ending fiscal period a company uses to report financial results, such as a calendar month or fiscal period. A portion of time in which the accounting calendar may be divided. Accounting periods make up an accounting calendar.

Frequently Asked Questions

The following table lists frequently asked questions about the Cash to General Ledger Reconciliation Report.



How do I find these reports?

Schedule and run this report from the Scheduled Processes work area on the Navigator menu.

Who uses these reports?

  • Cash Manager

  • Financial Manager

  • Financial Specialist

When do I use these reports?

Use this report to:

  • Review and identify the discrepancies in the bank account balances in Cash Management and the GL cash account balance.

What can I do with this report?

Reconcile bank balances to the general ledger cash account balances.

What type of reports are these?

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