Channel Revenue Management in Receivables

Oracle Channel Revenue Management manages indirect distribution channels with distributors, resellers, and trade programs.

In the course of business, disputes and other trade issues often arise, including situations such as tier-based volume discounts, damaged goods, non-promotional trade claims, overages, discounts owed, previous contract agreements, and so on. Any of these and similar issues can lead to underpayment of invoices or of a customer's open balance.

In addition, it can happen that a customer overpays for a particular order or service.

Receivables integration with Channel Revenue Management provides the services necessary to manage the accounts receivable side of claims processing and settlement.

These services include:

  • Initiating claim investigations for non-invoice-related underpayments and overpayments against the customer open balance.

  • Initiating claims for invoice-related underpayments and overpayments of specific invoices.

  • Creating the appropriate receipt in Receivables and submitting the invoice-related claim or non-invoice-related claim investigation to Channel Revenue Management.

  • Processing the accounts receivable side of claim settlements.

Receivables provides these tools for processing receipts and initiating claims in Channel Revenue Management:

  • Edit Receipt page: Create Claim Investigation window: Initiate a claim investigation for a non-invoice-related underpayment or overpayment recorded against a receipt that was applied to the customer open balance.

  • Edit Receipt page: Create Channel Revenue Claim window: Initiate a channel revenue claim for an invoice-related underpayment or overpayment of an invoice application against a receipt.

  • Lockbox: Initiate claims from lockbox receipts for both invoice-related and non-invoice related underpayments and overpayments. Provide automatic creation of non-invoice related deduction claim investigations for lockbox receipts with invalid remittance references.

  • Receipt Batch ADFDI spreadsheet: Initiate claim investigations from receipts created in batch for both invoice-related underpayments and non-invoice-related overpayments.

  • Receipt SOAP services: Through enhancements to the operations and optional attributes of the Receipt SOAP services, create invoice-related claims and non-invoice related claim investigations for underpayments and overpayments:

    • Create Standard Receipt SOAP service: CreateApplyReceipt and ProcessApplyReceipt operations to create invoice-related claims.

    • Create Standard Receipt SOAP service: CreateActivityApplication and ProcessActivityApplication operations to create non-invoice related claim investigations, and CreateActivityUnapplication and ProcessActivityUnapplication operations to unapply non-invoice related claim investigations.

    • Standard Receipt and Receipt Application SOAP services: CreateandApplyReceipt operation to create invoice-related claims for overpayment.

    • Standard Receipt SOAP service: CreateReverseReceipt, ProcessReverseReceipt, CreateUnapplyReceipt, and ProcessUnapplyReceipt operations to cancel open claims eligible for cancellation after receipt reversal or unapplication of the related application.

    • Edit Receipt page: Receipt Details: Application and Activity tabs: Review details of claims created by SOAP services.

  • Related setups in Subledger Accounting to record settlements of claims and claim investigations.

  • Related setups in Receivables to automate receipt processing related to underpayments and overpayments.

  • Final accounting of underpayment and overpayment settlements after a run of the Settle Customer Claims process.