Customer Account Status Report

Use the Customer Account Status Report to review your customer accounts. The report displays for each customer all open debit items, credit items, and total balance due in the ledger currency.

Run this report according to your customer account review process.

Selected Report Parameters

Order By

Arrange the information in the report by Collector, Customer Name or Customer Account Number.

From/To Account Status

Limit the report to customer accounts within a range of account statuses. The range you specify includes all statuses in alphabetic order.

Report Output

This table describes important column headings in the Customer Account Status Report.

Column Heading


Transaction Number

Either the transaction number or the receipt number for customer payments.


Indicates a debit item, credit item, bill receivable or payment.

Transaction Date

Either the transaction date for an invoice, debit memo, credit memo or on-account credit, or the receipt date for customer payments.

Transaction Type

The transaction type for each transaction in the report. If this is a payment, the report displays Payment.

Transaction Due Date

The date payment is due for the transaction. If the transaction is an installment invoice, the report displays a separate row for each due date.

Original Amount in Ledger Currency

The original amount of the transaction in the ledger currency. The report displays credit items as negative numbers.

Balance Due in Ledger Currency

The remaining amount due for each transaction converted to the ledger currency. The report displays credit balances as negative numbers.

This table describes important row headings in the Customer Account Status Report.

Row Heading


Total for Account Status

The total balance due for each account status in the ledger currency.

Total for Collector (collector name) and Customer Site (site number)

The total balance due for each customer site in the ledger currency.

Total for Report

The total balance due for the entire report in the ledger currency.