Guidelines for Entering Recommendations for Customer Credit

After reviewing all of the available credit information and calculating the credit score, complete the credit review process by recommending how to proceed with the credit status of this customer or customer account.

Use the Recommendations section to enter this information. Use the Plus (+) icon to open one or more rows for entering your recommendations:

  • The Type column indicates the actions available to you.

  • The Current Value column displays current profile settings for the customer or customer account.

  • The New Value column lets you enter and update specific recommendations.

The following table lists the recommendation you can make for each type:



No change

Maintain the current record for the customer or customer account. If the credit review is due to a credit checking failure, the credit authorization request is denied.

Approve Source Transaction Credit Request

For the Credit Checking Failure request type only. If you enter Yes, a credit authorization is created for the customer account using the attributes passed through the credit checking service, regardless of whether sufficient credit is available.

Decline Source Transaction Credit Request

For the Credit Checking Failure request type only. If you enter Yes, credit authorization is declined for the customer or customer account.

Place customer on credit hold

The customer or customer account is placed on credit hold and any credit authorization request is denied.

Release customer from credit hold

The customer or customer account is released from credit hold and can initiate new credit authorization requests.

Set credit classification

Change the credit classification for the customer or customer account.

Set credit limit

Increase or decrease the credit limit for the customer or customer account.

Set order amount limit

Increase or decrease the order amount limit for the customer or customer account.

Set credit review cycle

Change the credit review cycle for the customer or customer account.

Set next review date

Enter a specific date for the next credit review for the customer or customer account.

These updates apply to the recommendation types:

  • No change: You can't enter any other type.

  • Source transaction credit request types: These two types are mutually exclusive.

  • Credit hold types: These two types are mutually exclusive.

  • Credit profile types: The customer or customer account credit profile is updated with the new values you enter here.

If you're updating the credit limit, you must respect the customer hierarchy, if one exists:

  • If you increase the credit limit, ensure that you don't increase a child credit limit to cause the sum of the children to exceed the parent credit limit.

  • If you decrease the credit limit, ensure that you don't reduce the parent credit limit below the sum of the credit limits of the children.