How Bills Receivable Are Numbered in a Batch

The numbering of bills receivable in a batch depends on the settings of the bills receivable creation receipt method and the bills receivable transaction source.

If only one transaction is assigned to the bill receivable created by the batch, then the batch process uses the transaction number as the bill receivable number provided both of these conditions apply:

  • Bills receivable inherit transaction numbers option is enabled on the bills receivable creation receipt method assigned to the transaction.

  • Transaction number isn't already used by another transaction with the same transaction source as the bill receivable.

If the Bills receivable inherit transaction numbers option isn't enabled, or if the bill contains more than one transaction, then the batch process numbers bills receivable according to the transaction source assigned to the batch.

Ordinarily, a bills receivable transaction source has the Automatic transaction numbering option enabled. If you're using document sequences and the Copy document number to transaction number option is enabled, then Receivables uses the document sequence number assigned to the bill as the bill receivable number.