How can I order names and numbers on searches and selections?

Search and selection ranges and parameters in Receivables use alphanumeric character ordering to determine the order in which to consider names and numbers. The alphanumeric character ordering is: 1 - 9, followed by A - Z, followed by a - z.

When you enter an alphanumeric range, such as in report parameters, Receivables doesn't compare each number as a whole when determining the range of data to display, but instead compares only the first digit in each entered parameter value, and then the second digit, and so on.

For example, if the low and high values in a range are from 99 to 109, then Receivables perceives 99 as higher than 109, and can't successfully determine a range to use. To resolve this issue, submit your searches and print requests in separate batches. For example, if you're using low and high batch name values, then submit the report for batches 1-999, 1000-1999, and so on.