How You Create Invoices for a Recurring Bill Plan

Recurring Billing uses AutoInvoice to generate invoice lines and create invoices for recurring bill plans.

You first run the Generate Recurring Billing Data process to generate invoice lines. You then run the Import AutoInvoice process to create invoices from invoice lines. If necessary, you can use the AutoInvoice workbook to correct errors and reload your data.

Generate Recurring Billing Data Process

Run the Generate Recurring Billing Data process to generate invoice lines for active bill plans. By default, the process generates invoice lines for all eligible bill plans belonging to all business units. You can use the process parameters to select a subset of bill plans by business unit, bill plan name, billing frequency, and customer.

The Generate Recurring Billing Data process looks for active bill plans using the parameters you selected and identifies the bill plans eligible for invoicing. A bill plan is eligible for invoicing if the first transaction date (or second transaction date, if used) is on or after the system date and within the billing period.

For example:

  • BillPlan1 was created on January 1 with a transaction date of the first of the month and a billing frequency of Monthly.

  • BillPlan2 was created on January 1 with a transaction date of the first of the month and a billing frequency of Weekly.

  • BillPlan3 was created on February 1 with a transaction date of the fifteenth (15th) of the month and a billing frequency of Quarterly.

  • The Generate Recurring Billing Data process is scheduled to run on the 5th of every month.

On February 5, the process performs the following operations:

  • BillPlan1: Generates invoice lines for a single invoice for the month of February.

  • BillPlan2: Generates invoice lines for four invoices: the final three weeks of January and the first week of February.

  • BillPlan3: Doesn't generate invoice lines.

After generating invoice lines, the process uploads the lines to the AutoInvoice lines interface table (RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL).

Import AutoInvoice Process

Run the Import AutoInvoice process to group bill plan invoice lines into recurring invoices. The import process groups invoice lines into recurring invoices using the mandatory parameters Bill Plan Name and Bill Plan Period of the AutoInvoice grouping rule, as well as any optional parameters that you specify.

Use the AutoInvoice workbook to correct bill plan invoice line errors and resubmit the process. These factors apply to updates to bill plan invoice lines:

  • The AutoInvoice workbook only contains bill plan invoice lines that ended in error. It doesn't include invoice lines from bill plans that remain unprocessed.

  • Any updates that you make to invoice lines generated by a bill plan using the AutoInvoice workbook apply to these transactions only and aren't reflected in the bill plan itself.

  • Avoid updates to invoice lines that would change the necessary details of the invoice.

Once you create recurring bill plan invoices from invoice lines, you can use the Print Receivables Transactions process to print and deliver invoices to your customers.