ISO Rejection Code Mapping to Reversal Categories

To automatically reverse receipts in a settlement batch, you must map the ISO rejection codes to a reversal category. This mapping is used to derive the reason for reversing a receipt.

Use the Manage Reversal Reason to Category Mappings setup task to map the ISO rejection codes with the corresponding reversal categories.

Configure ISO Rejection Codes as Reversal Reasons

Before you begin, ensure that the ISO codes appear in the Reversal Reason list on the Manage Reversal Reason to Category Mappings page. Define the ISO codes as lookups of the CKAJST_REASON lookup type.

To configure ISO rejection codes as reversal reasons:

  1. Navigate to Setup and Maintenance.

  2. Search for the Manage Receivables Lookups task.

  3. Click the Go to Task icon.

    The Manage Receivables Lookups page appears.

  4. Enter CKAJST_REASON in the Lookup Type box and click the Search button.

  5. Click the Add Row icon that appears on the Financials Generic Lookup Type: CKAJST_REASON table.

  6. Enter the ISO rejection code in the Lookup Code box.

  7. Enter the meaning and description for the rejection code in the Meaning and Description boxes.

  8. Click the Enable box so that the rejection code appears as the reversal reason on the Manage Reversal Reason to Category Mappings page.

  9. Repeat steps 5 through 8 to configure other ISO rejection codes.

  10. Click the Save and Close button when you complete configuring all the ISO rejection codes.

Map Rejection Codes to Reversal Categories

To map the ISO rejection codes to reversal categories:

  1. Navigate to Setup and Maintenance.

  2. Search for the Manage Receivables Reversal Reason to Category Mappings task.

  3. Click the Go to Task icon.

    The Manage Reversal Reason to Category Mappings page appears.

  4. Click the Add Row icon.

  5. Select the ISO rejection code from the Reversal Reason list.

  6. Select the category from the Reversal Category list.

  7. Click the Enabled box to enable the mapping between the reversal reason and reversal category.

  8. Enter the Payment Standard identifier of the established standard associated with the reversal reason.

  9. Repeat steps 4 to 8 to map other ISO rejection codes.

  10. Click the Save and Close button when you complete mapping all the ISO rejection codes.