Manage Customer Data

It is important for you to keep your customer data up to date, so that you can perform your collections activities efficiently, and stay updated with all the current and historical data of your customer.

Change Customer Information

Let's discuss from where you can change the customer information and what gets impacted if you do so.

To change a customer information, on Collections Dashboard go to Delinquent Customer tab and select the required customer.

What You Can Change

Here's all the information you can change:


Information to Change


Change the information related to customer profile such as: assigned collector, business level, preferred contact method of communication, type of payment terms applied, frequency of statement cycle and so on.


Add or modify the name, phone number, address and email information of the customer.

What is Impacted

  • If you change the collector assigned to the customer, the working of the selected delinquent customer is impacted.

  • If you change the business level of the customer, the way the delinquent customer data is displayed on your collections dashboard is changed.

  • If you change the preferred contact method, the dunning communication method is changed accordingly.


You can create an activity or a series of activities and add detailed information needed to follow up with a delinquent customer.

Here's how you create an activity:

  1. On the Activity tab of the Collections Dashboard, click the create icon.

  2. Enter the required subject, due date and description of your follow-up activity.

  3. Select the required customer and assign the activity to self or other collections agent.

  4. Click save and close.

You also have an option to select the category of the activity like, dunning call, follow-up call, to-do, meeting and so on to define the type of activity you want to do. You can set the priority of the activity according to requirement and can also upload any attachment for reference. After the activity is created, it appears in the activity tab.


Notes are an excellent way to save some additional information about the customer. You can even paste email messages into notes. You can create notes for any account or transaction.

Here's how you create a note:

  1. Select the customer account or transaction and click the note icon.

  2. Select the required type of note from the drop-down list.

  3. In the text area, enter the content for the note. You can also format the text according to your need and if required, add a link.

  4. Click save and close.

After a note is created, you can always go back and edit the note to update any information.