Receipts Days Late Analysis Report

Use the Receipts Days Late Analysis Report to review the timeliness of your customer payments. The report provides details of receipt applications against customer transactions for the period you specify.

The report includes, for each customer payment, both transaction details and receipt application details. Receipt information includes the number of days late, if any, that payment was received based on the due date, and the calculated cost to you of a late payment.

Run this report according to your customer account review business process.

Report Output

The output provides a separate section for each customer account, and a subsection for each transaction entered currency within the customer account. Payment information within each subsection is sorted by transaction number and includes the amount of the application, the receipt number, and the days late (payments made in advance are displayed as a negative number).

The report provides totals for each entered currency per customer account. The totals include a count of average days late that payment was received and a calculation of the cost to you of past due items. The report doesn’t include any grand totals, as it doesn’t report in the ledger currency.

Average Days Late

The average number of days late for receipts by customer and currency.

Average Days Late = Sum of Days Late / Total Number of Receipts

The transaction entered currencies used by each customer account.

Weighted Average Days Late

The weighted average days late for receipts within the date range by customer and currency. Use the weighted average days late to see the average amount that past due debit items cost you.

Weighted Average Days Late = Sum of Weighted Days Late / Total Amount Paid