Sweep Subledger Transactions to Another Period

Use the Sweep Subledger Transactions to Another Period process to review Receivables or Revenue Management invalid transactions and sweep them to a future accounting period.

Use this process in conjunction with other processes, activities, and reports to close a Receivables or Revenue Management accounting period.

The process identifies, for the selected ledger in Receivables or Revenue Management, the invalid transactions in a Close Pending accounting period that are blocking the closing of the period. Invalid transactions include:

  • Transactions with invalid distributions.
  • Transactions with unposted distributions.
  • Unbalanced journal entries.
  • Receivables transactions with incomplete revenue recognition processing.

Sweeping invalid transactions to another period helps progress period close, and allows for resolution of these open issues in the future accounting period.

You can optionally run the process in Review mode first to review invalid transactions. You can run the process in Sweep mode, with or without review, to sweep invalid transactions to another accounting period.

You must complete all parameters to run the process. This table describes the values to enter for each parameter:

Parameter Values Notes
Subledger Transactions Select Receivables or Revenue Management. The list of values displays the subledgers you have access to.
Ledger Select the ledger for the process run. The parameter displays all ledgers that you have access to. You can't run the process to review or sweep invalid Receivables transactions on a ledger that has chronological document sequencing enabled.
From Period The Close Pending accounting period from which to select invalid transactions for review or sweep. N/A
To Period The Open or Future Enterable accounting period to sweep invalid transactions. N/A
Execution Type

Select the type of process run:

  • Review transaction information without sweep
  • Sweep transactions to next accounting period

If you select Review, the process generates the Sweep Invalid and Unposted Distributions Report without sweeping transactions to another accounting period.

If you select Sweep, the process sweeps the invalid transactions from the selected Close Pending accounting period to the selected Open or Future Enterable accounting period.

Use the Sweep Invalid and Unposted Distributions Report to review the invalid transactions in the Close Pending accounting period. The report contains a Summary section and a Details section:

  • The Summary section displays the number of invalid transactions in every business unit assigned to the ledger. For Receivables, this can include Invoices, Credit Memos, Debit Memos, Receipts, Adjustments, and Bills Receivable.

  • The Details section displays the details of each invalid transaction, but only for the business units that you have access to.

    The Details section lists for each transaction: transaction information; cause of the error and suggested action; and the transaction's accounting distributions.