Validations for ISO 20022 SEPA and CGI Direct Debit Settlement Messages

Oracle Payments Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) and Common Global Implementation (CGI) versions of ISO 20022 direct debit settlement messages. It predefines two BI Publisher templates and two corresponding settlement formats for the direct debit settlement messages. Payments attaches validations to verify that required

This table describes the validations that are attached to the ISO 20022 SEPA and CGI settlement formats by Payments.

20022 SEPA and CGI Settlement Formats Supported by Payments

Validation Description

Single Euro Payments Areas Core Direct Debit 2019 (pain.008.001.08)

ISO20022 Direct Debit Common Global Implementation 2019 (pain.008.001.08)

Debit authorization presence:

  • Debit authorization must be present on the transaction.

Note: For SEPA transactions, the debit authorization is required, but for CGI it's not required.



Active debit authorization:

  • Verifies that direct debit authorization is active. Also verifies that the transaction date is greater than the debit authorization signing date and less than the debit authorization cancellation date.

  • Ensures that a one-off debit authorization is never used more than once.



Verifies that these fields are present on a debit authorization:

  • Authorization Reference Identifier

  • Authorization Signing Date

  • Creditor Legal Entity

  • Creditor Identifier

Note: These fields are required.



Verifies the following data:

  • Internal bank branch country exists.

  • Customer's bank branch country exists.



Payments supports the following additional SEPA validations:

  • Verifies that the Customer Bank Account IBAN isn't null.

  • Verifies that the Customer Bank Branch BIC isn't null.

  • Verifies that the Internal Bank Account IBAN isn't null.

  • Verifies that the Internal Bank Branch BIC isn't null.

  • Verifies that internal bank branch country exists.

  • Verifies that customer's bank branch country exists.

  • Verifies that the settlement currency is Euro.

  • Verifies that the customer bank account is in the SEPA zone.

  • Verifies that the Creditor Identifier structure is as follows:

    • Position 1-2 filled with the ISO country code.

    • Position 3-4 filled with the check digit according to ISO 7064 Mod 97-10.

    • Position 5-7 filled with the Creditor Business Code. If not used, then filled with ZZZ.

    • Position 8 onward is filled with the country-specific part of the identifier as a national identifier of the Creditor, as defined by the National Community.



Payments supports the following additional CGI validations:

  • Verifies that either the Customer Bank Branch BIC or the Customer Bank Branch Number isn't null.

  • Verifies that either the Internal Bank Branch BIC or the Internal Bank Branch Number isn't null.



Verifies the following data required for the ISO 20022 direct debit format:

  • Local Instrument isn't null.

  • Service Level isn't null.



Match payment system account attributes:

  • If the transaction has no payee legal entity name, then validate the payment system account setting ISO20022_IP_NAME.

  • If the transaction has no payee legal entity registration number, then validate either ISO20022_IP_BICORBEI or ISO20022_IP_OTHERID payment system account settings.

