What's the difference between the various customers?

An invoice identifies the customer or customers involved in the transaction. Often the various customer entries all refer to the same enterprise, or to legal entities belonging to the same enterprise.

If you enter ship-to customer information, this populates the default bill-to information. If you enter bill-to information, this doesn't populate default ship-to information.

From an invoicing point of view, you don't have to provide ship-to information. However, taxes are calculated based on ship-to information.

If the transaction involves more than one customer or entity, you can use the available sections to identify each party to the transaction. The invoice identifies these customers:

  • Ship-to customer: The party who receives the goods or services billed on the invoice.

  • Bill-to customer: The party billed for the goods or services.

  • Sold-to customer: The party with whom the sale of the goods or services is identified. For example, similar goods are sold to different outlets of the same retail organization.

  • Paying customer: The party who actually pays for the goods or services. For example, a primary customer might pay for related invoices belonging to different parties.