Can I use my PayPal account to make payments to suppliers?

Yes. To make payments using your PayPal account, you must first capture the PayPal ID at the supplier level. You can capture the PayPal account ID in the supplier E-Mail field on the Supplier Address page.

Alternatively, you can capture the PayPal account ID in any of the following supplier bank account fields: Bank Account Number, Bank Account Name, Bank Account Alternate Name.

For your convenience, a predefined Oracle Analytics Publisher template is available for PayPal payments, along with a PayPal payment format, and a PayPal payment process profile. The template's layout is based on the assumption that the PayPal ID is captured at the supplier address level in the E-Mail field. If you want to use the alternative way of capturing the PayPal ID in the supplier bank account fields, then you must configure the Oracle Analytics Publisher template according to your setup.