Escheated Payments Listing Report

Use Escheated Payments Listing Report to review the payments that are planned to be escheated, or those that are already escheated.

Here’s how you run this report.

  1. Go to Navigator > Tools > Scheduled Processes.
  2. Click Schedule New Process.
  3. In the list of jobs, search and select Escheated Payments Listing Report, and click OK.
  4. Select the parameters and submit the report.


The Escheated Payments Listing Report supports these parameters.

Parameter Action
Business Unit Select a business unit.
Supplier Select a supplier. This is an optional parameter.
From Payment Date, To Payment Date Specify a date range from when the payment was issued to the date when the payment was escheated or initiated for escheatment.
Payment Status Select the payment status from Selected for Escheatment, Escheatment Initiated, or Escheated. This parameter is optional.