Share Adaptive Learning Between Environments

You can perform adaptive learning on a source environment (such as, Test), and copy the training data into the target environment (such as, Production).

Simply log an SR when you are ready to copy the adaptive learning training data to the target environment. Specify a date range for the training data that you would like to copy to ensure that you’re only copying relevant training data.

Before You Start

Here are a few things to remember before you copy data between environments.

  • The adaptive learning training data is maintained based on supplier IDs. Ensure that the source and the target environments have the same supplier IDs. You can do this by logging an SR with a request to refresh the P2T (Production to Test) environment.

  • After P2T refresh, train IDR on the source environment by testing with invoices from your most frequently used suppliers. Perform corrections using the interactive invoice viewer wherever necessary. This builds the adaptive learning training data on the source environment.

When implementing IDR to process supplier invoices, we recommend testing with at least 10 sample invoices each, for your most frequently used suppliers. Testing also helps in building adaptive learning training data that IDR uses to accurately predict subsequent invoices for these suppliers.