Why didn't an installment get selected for payment?

An installment can meet the selection criteria of a payment process request, but not get selected for payment for one or more reasons.

You can review installments that weren't selected for payment and the reasons they weren't selected, on the Not Selected tab on the Review Installments page.

Here are the reasons why an installment might not get selected for payment.

  • An approver rejected the invoice.

  • The calculation for withholding tax ended in error.

  • A credit reduced the payment amount to less than zero.

  • The invoice must be revalidated.

  • The invoice requires approval.

  • The invoice was never validated.

  • The payment date is in a closed period.

  • Having the payment date before the system date isn't allowed.

  • The installment is on hold.

  • The supplier site is on payment hold.

  • The installment was manually removed from the payment process request.

  • Zero amount installments are excluded from payment.