Error Situations

The error situations for external bank accounts are:

Error Situation Error Code Error Message Token
Onetime Payee Bank Account not updatable IBY_VALID_OBJ_INVALID {ERR_OBJECT} is invalid. Operation
Bank account End Date is greater than start date FND_CMN_END_DTE_ERLY_EQ_TDAY The end date must be later than or equal to {TODAY_DATE}. StartDate
Bank Id and Branch Id are mandatory when foreign payment flag is Y IBY_FOREIGN_PMT_REQ When the account allows international payments, bank and branch are required. Not applicable.
Country is updatable only when CE profile CE_USE_EXISTING_BANK_BRANCH is Y and bank account created is Y FND_CMN_INVALID_ATTRB_API_SERV The value of the attribute {ATTRIBUTE_NAME} is not valid. CountryCode
Bank Id and Branch Id should be null when it is Onetime Payee bank account FND_CMN_INVALID_ATTRB_API_SERV The value of the attribute {ATTRIBUTE_NAME} is not valid. BankIdentifier, BranchIdentifier
Bank Id is updatable only when CE profile CE_USE_EXISTING_BANK_BRANCH is Y and bank acct created when Y FND_CMN_INVALID_ATTRB_API_SERV The value of the attribute {ATTRIBUTE_NAME} is not valid. BankIdentifier
Branch Id is updatable only when CE profile CE_USE_EXISTING_BANK_BRANCH is Y and bank acct created when Y FND_CMN_INVALID_ATTRB_API_SERV The value of the attribute {ATTRIBUTE_NAME} is not valid. BranchIdentifier
Bank Id should exist in ce_all_banks_v FND_CMN_INVALID_ATTRB_API_SERV The value of the attribute {ATTRIBUTE_NAME} is not valid. BankIdentifier
Branch Id should exist in ce_all_bank_branches_v FND_CMN_INVALID_ATTRB_API_SERV The value of the attribute {ATTRIBUTE_NAME} is not valid. BankBranchIdentifier
Duplicate record FND_CMN_REC_COMB_VALS_EXST A record with this combination of values already exists. Not applicable.
Country code should exist in valid country list FND_CMN_INVALID_ATTRB_API_SERV The value of the attribute {ATTRIBUTE_NAME} is not valid. CountryCode
Currency code should exist in valid list FND_CMN_INVALID_ATTRB_API_SERV The value of the attribute {ATTRIBUTE_NAME} is not valid. CurrencyCode
Bank Account Type should exist in valid list FND_CMN_INVALID_ATTRB_API_SERV The value of the attribute {ATTRIBUTE_NAME} is not valid. AccountType
Foreign payment flag must be Y/N FND_CMN_INVALID_ATTRIB_Y_N The value of the attribute {ATTRIBUTE_NAME} is not valid. Valid values are Y and N. AllowInternationalPaymentIndicator
Bank branch party flag must be Y/N FND_CMN_INVALID_ATTRIB_Y_N The value of the attribute {ATTRIBUTE_NAME} is not valid. Valid values are Y and N. BankBranchPartyIndicator
Bank Name must be Null for payee bank accounts other than Onetime Payee bank account FND_CMN_INVALID_ATTRB_API_SERV The value of the attribute {ATTRIBUTE_NAME} is not valid. BankName
Bank Number must be Null for other than Onetime Payee Bank account FND_CMN_INVALID_ATTRB_API_SERV The value of the attribute {ATTRIBUTE_NAME} is not valid. BankNumber
Bank Branch Number must be Null for other than Onetime Payee Bank account FND_CMN_INVALID_ATTRB_API_SERV The value of the attribute {ATTRIBUTE_NAME} is not valid. BankBranchName
Branch Number must be null for other than Onetime Payee Bank account FND_CMN_INVALID_ATTRB_API_SERV The value of the attribute {ATTRIBUTE_NAME} is not valid. BranchNumber
EftSwiftCode must be null for other than Onetime Payee Bank account FND_CMN_INVALID_ATTRB_API_SERV The value of the attribute {ATTRIBUTE_NAME} is not valid. BIC
Country Code is a mandatory attribute FND_CMN_REQ_ATTRIB_API_SERV You must provide a value for the attribute {ATTRIBUTE_NAME}. CountryCode
Provided bank name is invalid for other than Onetime Payee Bank account (CE profile CE_USE_EXISTING_BANK_BRANCH =Y) FND_CMN_INVALID_ATTRB_API_SERV The value of the attribute {ATTRIBUTE_NAME} is not valid. BankName
Provided branch name is invalid for other than Onetime Payee Bank account (CE profile CE_USE_EXISTING_BANK_BRANCH =Y) FND_CMN_INVALID_ATTRB_API_SERV The value of the attribute {ATTRIBUTE_NAME} is not valid. BankBranchName
User should not provide bank id when CE profile CE_USE_EXISTING_BANK_BRANCH is N FND_CMN_INVALID_ATTRB_API_SERV The value of the attribute {ATTRIBUTE_NAME} is not valid. BankIdentifier
User should not provide branch id when CE profile CE_USE_EXISTING_BANK_BRANCH is N FND_CMN_INVALID_ATTRB_API_SERV The value of the attribute {ATTRIBUTE_NAME} is not valid. BranchIdentifier
Existing Country Specific Validations while creating dummy (employee) bank and branches Not applicable. Message returned by CE Not applicable.
Existing Country Specific Bank Account Creation Validations (Bank, Branch, Account Number, IBAN etc.) Not applicable. Message returned by CE Not applicable.
Duplicate Record FND_CMN_REC_COMB_VALS_EXST A record with this combination of values already exists. Not applicable.
End data must be greater than start date FND_CMN_END_DTE_ERLY_EQ_TDAY The end date must be later than or equal to {TODAY_DATE}. StartDate
Start date must be greater than equal to bank account start date FND_CMN_STRT_DTE_LATR_EQ_TDAY The start date must be later than or equal to {TODAY_DATE}. Bank Account Start Date
Account owner party, payee/payer payment function, bankbranchpartyflag must be a valid combination IBY_INVAL_PARTY_PAYFUNC_COMB This combination of party and payment function is invalid based on the usage assignment of the party in Trading Community Architecture. Not applicable.
Primary Flag must be Y/N FND_CMN_INVALID_ATTRIB_Y_N The value of the attribute {ATTRIBUTE_NAME} is not valid. Valid values are Y and N. Not applicable.
Party Name given is invalid FND_CMN_INVALID_ATTRB_API_SERV The value of the attribute {ATTRIBUTE_NAME} is not valid. AccountOwnerPartyName
Party Number given is invalid FND_CMN_INVALID_ATTRB_API_SERV The value of the attribute {ATTRIBUTE_NAME} is not valid. AccountOwnerPartyNumber
Provided party id is invalid FND_CMN_INVALID_ATTRB_API_SERV The value of the attribute {ATTRIBUTE_NAME} is not valid. AccountOwnerPartyIdentifier
Party Number/Party Name/Party Id combination invalid FND_CMN_INVALID_ATTRB_API_SERV The value of the attribute {ATTRIBUTE_NAME} is not valid. AccountOwnerPartyName/Number/Identifier
This we are using for stopping update on Onetime Payee bank account (OTP) Not applicable. Operation is Invalid. Not applicable.
When Bank Branch Party Indicator is Y and bank and branch id is empty Not applicable. You can not have empty bank and branch id when Bank Branch Party Indicator is Y. Not applicable.
While validating country specific rules on bank account during owner creation Not applicable. You cannot assign this owner to the Bank Account. Not applicable.