Error Situations

The error situations for instrument assignments are:

Error Situation Error Code Error Message
Start Date is less than Bank account or credit card start date. IBY_INVAL_ASSIGN_START_DATE Start date of payment instrument relationship must be equal to later than start date of payment instrument.
End Date is less than Start Date FND:::FND_CMN_TO_ERLY_EQ_FRM_DATE The to date must be later than or equal to the from date.
Primary Key Values other than {Y, N, null} FND:::FND_CMN_INVALID_ATTRB_API_SERV The value of the attribute PrimaryFlag is not valid.
Instrument Type Value other than BANK_ACCOUNT and CREDITCARD FND:::FND_CMN_INVALID_ATTRB_API_SERV The value of the attribute InstrumentType is not valid.
Payment Flow Value other than DISBURSEMENTS and FUNDS_CAPTURE FND:::FND_CMN_INVALID_ATTRB_API_SERV The value of the attribute PaymentFlow is not valid.
Assigning already assigned instrument id to the same payee and payment flow FND:::FND_CMN_REC_COMB_VALS_EXST A record with this combination of values already exists.
Instrument Id post rule violation: Without adding payer or payee party as joint owner, bank account assignment creation is not allowed. IBY_INVAL_INSTR_OWNER_ASSIGN You cannot create relationship without having payee or payer party as owner of the instrument.
Credit card instrument assignment is not allowed for supplier. IBY_INVL_CC_PARTY_ASSIGN You can't assign a credit card to a party that isn't an external payer.
Payment Flow and Payment party combination is invalid (Payment party is Payer) IBY_INVL_PAYER_ASSIGN The value of the attribute External Payer is not valid.
Payment Flow and Payment party combination is invalid(Payment party is Payee) IBY_INVL_PAYEE_ASSIGN The value of the attribute External Payee is not valid.
Payment instrument type and Payment Instrument id combination is invalid (Instrument type is Bank Account) IBY_INVL_BANKACCT_ASSIGN The value of the attribute Bank Account is not valid.
Payment instrument type and Payment Instrument id combination is invalid (Instrument type is Credit card) IBY_INVL_CREDITCARD_ASSIGN The value of the attribute Credit card is not valid.