Points to Consider

Consider these key points when performing fixed assets REST operations:

  • The capabilities and processing logic for these operations are similar to that of tasks in the Fusion Assets Cloud.
  • You must specify the correct endpoint before preforming the REST operation.
  • Validation messages in the response payload are limited to the first 1000 characters.
  • Changes to fixed assets are automatically and immediately saved.
  • Requests are fully validated prior to processing.
  • The only supported date format for fixed assets REST payloads is YYYY-MM-DD.
  • Successful outcomes are confirmed by a response payload with the value 'S' for X_RETURN_STATUS.

cURL Command

curl -i -u "<username>:<password>" -H "Content-Type: application/vnd.oracle.adf.resourceitem+json" -X POST -d <payload> https://servername.fa.us2.oraclecloud.com/fscmRestApi/resources/

Request Payload Structure

Here are some key points associated with the request payload of the fixed assets REST operations:

  • The request payload requires only two attributes, OperationName and ParameterList.
  • The OperationName parameter value follows this format: "ProcessTransaction-<handle>"
  • The ParameterList parameter value lists the details of your parameters in JSON format.
  • Parameters ending in _TBL are special Rosetta type values. Rosetta formats capture hierarchical information succinctly. Rosetta type values must be separated by commas and the number of values per each type of parameter must be kept consistent.
  • Attributes specified in the request payload as ParameterList must be in uppercase and correctly spelled. Incorrect attributes are ignored.
  • Specify only parameter values that are not null in the ParameterList. Any parameter that is not in the ParameterList will be initialized to null by default.
  • The HTTP method is always POST.
  • The endpoint is always /fscmRestApi/resources/

Here is the request payload structure for fixed assets REST operations:

  "OperationName": "processTransaction-<handle>",
  "ParameterList": "{Parameter1:value1,Parameter2:value2, Parameter3: value3,…,ParameterN: valueN}"

Response Payload Structure

Here are some key points associated with the response payload of the fixed assets REST operations:

  • ParameterList has a different structure from the request payload in JSON format.
  • OperationName parameter value matches the request payload and follows the following format: "ProcessTransaction-<handle>".

Here is the response payload structure for fixed assets REST operations:

    "OperationName": "processTransaction-<handle>",
    "DocumentId": null,
    "DocumentContent": null,
    "FileName": null,
    "ContentType": null,
    "FileType": null,
    "DocumentAccount": null,
    "Comments": null,
    "ProcessName": null,
    "LoadRequestId": null,
    "JobPackageName": null,
    "JobDefName": null,
    "ReqstId": null,
    "RequestStatus": null,
    "JobName": null,
    "ParameterList": "Output parameter1: Value1, Output Parameter2: Value2, …, Output ParameterN: Value N",
    "NotificationCode": null,
    "CallbackURL": null,
    "JobOptions": null,
    "StatusCode": null,
    "ESSParameters": null,
    "links": [...]