Calculate Cash Flow Amount

The basic rule for calculating the cash flow amount is the period to date balance amount for each cash flow segment in the chart of accounts.

The set up tasks aim to get the cash flow amount for each cash transaction amount between the debit and credit side of the cash flow segment. For noncash-related transactions, the cash flow segment is balanced between the debit and credit side. Cash flow amount is obtained from the opposite side of the cash related account.


Consider an invoice in Oracle Fusion Payables that is related to a noncash-related transaction. but is the source of the cash flow item. The account in the Payables invoice is:

  • Debit: 01.000.5010005.1001 (CFS) CNY 100

  • Credit: 01.000.2010001.1001 (CFS) CNY 100

The cash flow segment 1001 in this transaction is balanced.

The payment in Payables is a cash-related transaction. Hence, the cash flow amount is calculated as:

  • Debit: 01.000.2010001.1001 (CFS) CNY 100

  • Credit: 01.000.1001001.0000 (CFS) CNY 100

When 1001001 is the cash account and the cash flow segment on the credit side is null, the cash flow amount from the cash flow segment for the transaction is CNY 100.