Tax Reporting Type for Suppliers

The Tax Reporting Type is used to link suppliers for the reporting filter.

Resident Individual in Korea

Follow these steps to create a Tax Reporting type for a supplier who is a resident individual in Korea.

  1. Navigate to Setup and Maintenance and select Manage Tax Reporting Types.
  2. Click the Plus icon to create a new tax rate, complete the fields:
    1. Enter the Tax Reporting Type Code for example ORA_KR_RESIDENT_INDIVIDUAL.
    2. Enter the Tax Reporting Type Name, for example Resident Individual in Korea.
    3. Select the Tax Reporting Type Purpose.
    4. Select the Country.
    5. In the Reporting Type Uses section, enable the Party Tax Profile check box.
    6. Search and select the tax reporting codes as applicable.
  3. Click Save and Close.

Resident Corporation in Korea

Follow these steps to create a Tax Reporting type for a supplier who is a resident corporation in Korea.

  1. Navigate to Setup and Maintenance and select Manage Tax Reporting Types.
  2. Click the Plus icon to create a new tax rate, complete the fields:
    1. Enter the Tax Reporting Type Code for example ORA_KR_RESIDENT_CORPORATION.
    2. Enter the Tax Reporting Type Name, for example Resident Corporation in Korea.
    3. Select the Tax Reporting Type Purpose.
    4. Select the Country.
    5. In the Reporting Type Uses section, enable the Party Tax Profile check box.
    6. Search and select the tax reporting codes as applicable.
  3. Click Save and Close.

Foreign Individual in Korea

Follow these steps to create a Tax Reporting type for a supplier who is a Foreign individual in Korea.

  1. Navigate to Setup and Maintenance and select Manage Tax Reporting Types.
  2. Click the Plus icon to create a new tax rate, complete the fields:
    1. Enter the Tax Reporting Type Code for example ORA_KR_FOREIGN _INDIVIDUAL.
    2. Enter the Tax Reporting Type Name, for example Foreign Individual in Korea.
    3. Select the Tax Reporting Type Purpose.
    4. Select the Country.
    5. In the Reporting Type Uses section, enable the Party Tax Profile check box.
    6. Search and select the tax reporting codes as applicable.
  3. Click Save and Close.

Foreign Corporation in Korea

Follow these steps to create a Tax Reporting type for a supplier who is a Foreign corporation in Korea.

  1. Navigate to Setup and Maintenance and select Manage Tax Reporting Types.
  2. Click the Plus icon to create a new tax rate, complete the fields:
    1. Enter the Tax Reporting Type Code for example ORA_KR_FOREIGN _CORPORATION.
    2. Enter the Tax Reporting Type Name, for example Foreign Corporation in Korea.
    3. Select the Tax Reporting Type Purpose.
    4. Select the Country.
    5. In the Reporting Type Uses section, enable the Party Tax Profile check box.
    6. Search and select the tax reporting codes as applicable.
  3. Click Save and Close.